team building on sentosa

Last Updated: 8th May 2024

There are many ways to improve the performance of your business – from implementing new marketing strategies to investing in a better website. But at some point, you may find that what’s really holding you back is the lack of team cohesion. Team building activities can help provide an opportunity for employees to get together and bond, as well as provide a platform for them to work on their own personal development goals.

Sentosa is a fun place for building teams because it offers a convenient location for team building and allows groups to choose between several different activities. The island is located just off the coast of Singapore and is easily accessible by car or public transport. Groups can even split up and schedule activities during different days, for a more personalised experience.

The first step to a successful team building activity is choosing what type of event will work best for you. There are several different types on offer at Sentosa, with options including both physical and non-physical activities. The choice really depends on your objectives; whether it be raising morale or conducting some intense brainstorming!

If you’re more interested in getting up close and personal with nature, then why not try one of our hikes? A hike can provide an excellent opportunity for participants to get back in touch with their natural surroundings as well as take time out to reflect individually about themselves and how they fit into the greater scheme of things.

Why is team building important? It is a question that we get asked a lot. It seems that corporate Singapore is starting to realise that one of the key ingredients for a successful business is a well-functioning team. And that means that the game of business is evolving from an individual sport of doing one’s best to a team game where everyone has to pull their weight and work together towards the same goal.

When organising the perfect Team Building Activity on Sentosa, we start by understanding the goals of our clients. What do they want to achieve through this exercise and what are their expectations from it? From there, we come up with insightful solutions that cater for these needs while retaining the uniqueness of each individual group’s identity.

Building a team is like building a house, or any other structure. The foundations need to be sturdy. When the foundations are secure and strong then you can build a house on top of it, and the house will last. Likewise, strong foundations are needed for a strong team.

A team-building activity gives everyone the opportunity to work together. It is a chance for your employees or colleagues to get out of their comfort zones and learn how they can contribute in a different way, while also discovering that people are not so different after all.

We believe that there’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all when it comes to training and empowering teams! That’s why we offer various competitive or cooperative team building activities and games.


hidden fortress

Get the team out of the office/home for a few hours, in a safe and compliant setting, and solve the mystery of singapore

"The world thinks that we lost Singapore to the Japanese in 1942 because we were misled... but THE TRUTH lies on this beautiful island of Sentosa… and we need you to find it...Our large-calibre coastal guns were turned to face the invading enemy… but they were ineffective because General Percival was given the wrong intelligence… ”

When the way we work changes, it can cause social and psychological problems at home and in your office.

Hidden Fortress is a 2-hour hybrid team building activity run on the island of Sentosa. It will help your team bridge the transition back to the workplace. Engage in a few fun activities and games with your team, to get them out of the office or home for awhile.

Teamwork is one of the most important aspects in today’s society. It not only allows for a smoother work environment, but it also builds stronger relationships between colleagues. No team will ever be successful without teamwork!

who are we

We have run over 2,000 events since 2012, both in-person and virtual events. We have also consulted for and met with over 10,000 professionals, managed remote teams both large and small and regularly develop new ideas on building better relationships through events. We know how it works, and we know how to do it for you.

2020 has reminded us how fragile our planet actually is, and we are now inspired to create sustainable and highly engaging virtual events with our clients and partners.

Join us in our movement to change the world of events.
Felix & Stacy Sim

Felix & Stacy Sim


Join The Thousands Of Businesses That Have Already Made Us Their preferred Choice For Event Planning

We have organised over 2,000 events since 2012,
and have had over 10,000 attendees join our virtual events since 2020.

Sentosa Team Building Activities (Updated for COVID-19) 1
Sentosa Team Building Activities (Updated for COVID-19) 2
Sentosa Team Building Activities (Updated for COVID-19) 3
Sentosa Team Building Activities (Updated for COVID-19) 4
Sentosa Team Building Activities (Updated for COVID-19) 5
Sentosa Team Building Activities (Updated for COVID-19) 6
Sentosa Team Building Activities (Updated for COVID-19) 7
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Just imagine working with a team who hand-holds and guides you through your next team building activity.

If you're thinking of organising a team building activity on sentosa...

  1. You can organise it yourself with your committee; or
  2. You can engage a different team to organise it for you; or
  3. You can get in touch with us and have us hand-hold you through the entire process, and show you the pitfalls to avoid

If you want us on your side for an event in the future but are not sure what exactly we do or don’t know where to start, click on the button below to get in touch and we’ll guide you through the process.

If you don’t like what you hear when you pick Option #3 (get in touch with us) – you’re still free to go back to the other options!