How to Get Insane Reach

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How to Get Insane Reach 1

What is the average reach you get from your posts on Linkedin? LinkedIn’s Velocity algorithm is uniquely advantageous to content creators, as it rewards the value of the content rather than just the size of your network. If you have valuable insights and quality content, you can get an insane reach on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is in a place now where its content-serving algorithm values quality content, and organic reach is highly achievable. They are more concerned about delivering relevant content to their client than generating more revenue from their advertisers.

The key to a successful LinkedIn campaign is through building engagements both efficiently and effectively. The more comments and likes you have, the better LinkedIn rates your content, and the longer you remain visible. Here are strategies to get the maximum amount of engagement in the shortest amount of time.

Number 1, Asking a Question. Questions always get people engaged, and it compels them to offer you a response, hence an engagement. Structure of the thesis of your post as a question to act as a hook. Avoid rhetorical questions as it defeats the purpose here, where you are aiming for an answer in the comments.

Number 2, Stating a Controversial Opinion. I am not talking about religion or politics down here. Instead, post something industry-specific, and that is relevant to the time. This encourages people to engage by posting their side of the story, to argue for or against. An example would be “You don’t need to watch your staff during remote work”, as this is something that both employers and employees can discuss. Always make a stand, as ambiguous statements don’t compel responses, and that means no engagement.

Number 3, Be Personal. Linkedin is filled with well-polished stories and anecdotes, which can be quite emotionless after a while. That is why deeply personal narratives are a breath of fresh air amongst that. Share an intimate moment that has impacted you, and relate that to the point that you are trying to make. Follow that up by inviting the readers to share their own stories, which balloons your posts into a forum, increasing engagement exponentially.

With the three simple tips above, you will be able to drive engagement as your call to action is strong. These are content structures that you can put into effect right away.

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