get out! academy


Here are some ideas, videos, and posts to help you thrive in the changed world that we now live in. Whether you are an employee, a seasoned Entrepreneur or just starting out in your professional life, I’m sure you will find a gem or two on this page! You are only ONE IDEA AWAY.

Academy 1

Remote Work Ideas

Want More Ideas?

Join our email list and let us help you take back control of your own professional commitments. This is for you whether you are unemployed, working for someone, or managing a business. 

You will gain access to video tutorials, webinars and a full list of remote job opportunities. We want to help you make a life that works for you, rather than against you.

Latest Videos

In this EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW, I share with you 9 ideas on how you can get your business, your life and your family BACK ON TRACK especially if you are affected by the Coronavirus pandemic wherever you are in the world. 60 minutes of NON-STOP IDEAS.

Work has just experienced death and accession. The meaning of “Work” is being redefined right now, as I am recording this video. If your career or business is badly affected by the Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, this is a video you will want to watch.

Remote working is a relatively new working style that has been gaining popularity in recent years. This video is for business owners and managers who want to learn more about how to manage a remote workforce effectively.

In this video, I will cover 3 of the most common (and easiest) corporate events to plan. I will also share the business potential for you learn more about how to plan and market these corporate events.

Academy Blog

Turning a Live Event Virtual

How to Turn a Live Event Into a Virtual One

Live events are being cancelled all around the globe, and yet we know we can’t go another year without live interactions. Businesses are suffering without event marketing in their repertoire, and that’s a huge issue. Imagine how valuable you will be to your company if you have the know-how to convert a physical event to a virtual one without cancelling? Here are five essential steps to make that happen.

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Ballsy Questions You Should Ask In a Job Interview

Ballsy Questions You Should Ask In a Job Interview

With the upcoming recession, jobs are going to be at a premium. When faced with a surplus of qualified candidates for an ever-shrinking pool of jobs, you better make sure you catch the eye during your interview. Instead of struggling to find the right questions, here are three ballsy ones that we wish candidates will ask more often.

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Save the planet through Virtual Events

Save the planet through Virtual Events

The trend for events globally over the past few years have been on sustainability. Organisers around the world are starting to realise how much carbon footprint they are leaving behind every three-day convention. It’s no wonder the need to minimise our impact on the environment should be a priority. Virtual events are the unlikely saviours.

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I'm Adding More Content!

Thank you so much for the feedback that you have shared with me for the above video. This has really inspired me to continue creating more content for Get Out! Academy. It’s still largely a work-in-progress, but these are the topics that I’ve written down on my notepad to record next.

Manage Business Remotely

  1. What is remote work?
  2. What are the potential pitfalls?
  1. Employee Demographics
  2. Timing
  3. Change in Management Style
  1. Employee Training
  2. Building Employee Relationships
  3. Team Meetings
  4. Software for Employee Management
  1. Allocating Work
  2. Track Progress
  3. Reporting Lines
  4. Performance Management
  5. Software for Project Management
  1. Communicating Effectively
  2. Dealing with Conflict
  3. Employee Motivation
  4. Software for Communication
  1. Google Drive
  2. Factorial
  3. Zoom
  4. Asana
  5. Hubspot
  6. Slack

Corporate Events as a Business

  1. Corporate Events Industry
  2. Team Building Events
  3. Family Day Events
  4. Gala Dinner (Dinner & Dance) 
  1. What do you need to know to start a TB event?
  2. How do you come up with programmes?
  3. Program Research – where to get inspiration?
  4. Where and how to put it together? 
  5. Competitive vs Collaborative Team Building
  6. Competitive Team Building
    • How to get inspiration for a competitive TB event?
    •  How to create the program?
  7. How to get inspiration for a collaborative TB event? 
    • How to get inspiration for a collaborative TB event?
    • How to create the program?
  8. Hybrid TB Event
    • What is a hybrid TB event? 
    • How to get inspiration for a hybrid TB event?
    • How to create the program?
  9. How do you cost materials (logistics) 
  10. What to look out for when sourcing for materials
  1. Venue Partnerships
  1. How do you hire people for your team?
  2. Projects Team
  3. Sales Team
  4. Design Team
  5. Part Time Event Crew
  1. Pricing and discounts
  2. Payment terms
  3. Cash management
  4. Hiring Interns
  5. Managing Employees
  6. Managing Conflict
  7. Communication Platforms

In my last 10+ years as an entrepreneur in the digital marketing and events space, I have come across so many great ideas shared by trainers, online courses, offline classes, and everywhere else on the internet. I noticed that a stage before “Getting Started” is consistently missing. 

The stage that helps you put a plan together. The step that points you in the right direction. Imagine investing all your time, energy, and money into a new venture or project, and pushing forward (or as Reid Hoffman calls it, Blitzscaling) in the wrong direction. That would really suck, wouldn’t it?

At Get Out! Events, I’m responsible for providing practical solutions to meet our clients’ event goals. My multi-disciplinary consulting background gives my clients the confidence they need when working with me on their next big event!

When I’m not working on a highly customised event proposal for clients or coming up with a new event concept, I spend my time developing new event programmes and building relationships with our industry partners. Weekends are also almost exclusively reserved for family time with the kids at home.

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