A Quick Guide to Generating Engaging Content

create engaging content

A Quick Guide to Generating Engaging Content 1

Linkedin is no longer just a place for job seekers and recruiters to connect. Over the years, it has evolved and proven to be a valuable platform for sharing content to the right audiences. However, you cannot merely replicate your content strategy from other social media accounts, as LinkedIn users come to the platform with a different mindset. To engage with them, you will need the following tips when crafting your posts.

A Quick Guide to Generating Engaging Content 2

Have you ever come across a Linkedin status update that was deeply personal and vulnerable? Results have shown time and again that users interact with these posts a lot more. It appeals to the part of us that celebrates an underdog success story. Start with a problem that you feel deeply about. Be willing to be vulnerable here. Once you have the audience rooting for your success, share your “aha” moment, the mind-blowing lesson you’ve learned. Share the steps you took after this moment to overcome the problem and end your story by sharing where you are now. Lastly, start a conversation by asking a challenging question to get your audience to engage. This formula has proven highly effective at getting your connections to share their own stories, allowing you to connect with your target audiences on a personal level.

A Quick Guide to Generating Engaging Content 3

GaryVee developed this content strategy and was used to build his own LinkedIn account. He recommends leaving your comments on 90 different posts on Linkedin daily, as a well-crafted commented will add value to the post and get the attention of the person who published it. You might also get others to engage with your comment. The key to doing this is to leave your comments on the right posts. There is a section on LinkedIn called “What People Are Talking About Now,” which shows posts that other people are commenting on. Leaving your comments on such posts makes it quicker for others to engage with you since you will be visible to those who engaged previously. You can also follow hashtags related to your brand or niche, to get content straight to your feed. If you leave the best comment on a post that gets a lot of reaches, people are bound to notice, especially if you are consistent.

A Quick Guide to Generating Engaging Content 4

LinkedIn launched its native video feature in 2017, which means that it is still a fairly well-kept secret. Not only are videos more eye-catching because it immediately stands out among all the text and link shares, but it also gets your message across faster than other forms of content types on the platform. The average person only spends 24 minutes on their Linkedin, so keep your videos under 5 mins and go straight to your point. 44% of users prefer straightforward content. While others are sharing links to video, you can take advantage of Linkedin’s algorithm to generate more views if you host the video on LinkedIn. Lastly, use hashtags to organize these contents, so people know what to expect from you, and where to find them.

Before you publish any content, make sure you determine your marketing goals. Your goals will help you map out the type of content you want to share, specific to the following you want to grow. Quality will also be the primary driver of traffic, so make sure you provide content that is helpful and informative, instead of posting just to hit the numbers.

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